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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 158
     Profile contains photos: 69
     In Memory: 30
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 30
     Military Service: 11
   Restricted to Grizzlies only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 158    Newest Members: 158    Latest Comments: 78  

Mike Andra   
Steve Andrews    
Max Barker   
Tamra Barker    
D. C. Bean     
Bob Brown    
Dick Call   
Dave Champlin    
Wayland Coker     
Kelli Cordon    
Karl Davis   
Alan Dewey    
Matt Dixon   
Kurt Elbert    
Konrad Erni    
Bruce Gardner    
Larry Gates    
Michael Gregory     
Brett Haan    
Jeff Hulse    
Steve Jensen    
Warren Kunz    
John Lamb    
Bob Larsen   
Ken Lowry   
Max Lyon   
James Mabe     
Jodi McGregor    
Bryan Meacham    
Scott Nielsen    
Greg Nielson    
Jeff Pease    
Russ Peterson    
Paul Phillips    
Karl Reid   
Scott Rice   
Rick Robbins    
Jim Rock    
Sam Rothwell    
David Ryan   
Jim Ryan   
Richard Sharp    
Brad Smith   
Bob Wardle    
Mont Wright    
Steven Zufelt    

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